Dennis Bato
For the past years, my art practice has tried to make sense of our (or just mine) existence, how we create meanings as humans, to spaces, and our relationships with everything around us leading to creating societies and such.
One afternoon, I stumbled upon a video while doing chores regarding the universal alignment, or how signals were passed on by the universe through signs, images, and visions to let you know that your current path is aligned with what is in toll for your existence. Sometimes it may be coincidences, with all the data gathering that our mobile devices do in order to give us “personalized search suggestions”. It may or may be not a universal alignment at all, regardless, it will be added to the list of questions tied to this existence of mine.
It is quite amusing how recent ideas seem to connect with my past concepts, or however mundane feeds of information, from online platforms, books, videos, photos, or magazines to comic videos and even memes. However trivial it may seem, they sort of lead to connections that are closely related to concepts that I am working on. Sometimes like a jigsaw, you are slowly finding missing puzzle pieces to finish the entire picture, a block of scrap wood that sits for years on your shelf that fits perfectly on a recent project that you are working on, or a random piece of information that slowly beginning to make sense as time goes by.
Existsentience (not an actual word,) is an exhibition that represents my personal perspective on the 12 universal laws of the cosmos. The works are manifestations of these laws anchoring from my personal existential pursuit. In this exhibition, I take a look at the relationship of the micro to the macrocosm, the inner and the outer realities, and the relationship between the self and the cosmos. Exploring these 12 laws led me to a new path of discovery(or more questions on my unanswered inquiry list) that is unexpectedly connected to the ideas that I am working on. This is a continuous quest of sentience with my existence, or should I say: Existsentience
Gallery hours
11am to 6pm
Closed Sundays, Mondays and holidays