Solo Exhibition by
Dennis Bato
For a time now, I keep going back to a question in mind that I have not found any definite answer yet: what is the real purpose of our existence? Some do have faith that everything is already predetermined and written, while others believe that life is made up of trials to eliminate the weak following the law of nature and survival. While both arguments are valid, these still does not add up to answer the true purpose of one’s existence. Can fate be reversed by faith? If that is so, why do people believe that everything is already predetermined? Why do we have division of classes? Why are there people of privileges, while some hardly have any means to sustain their living? Why are there corrupt people who almost reached a century of existence while there were countless people who died from war and famine without even reaching half of a normal human’s life expectancy? Is it how their lives were written? Is it their fate?
The question of our purpose of existence always comes up while I was exploring about philosophical concepts and theories, it made me concretize the idea that we humans even for the advancement of the recent technology still have limitless mysteries unresolved within the depths of our dimension. I stumbled upon a couple of multi-dimensional concepts and ideas such as accessing of the akashic records, chakra and meditations, and the power of the dreams to name a few. The most recent, Carl Gustav Jung’s active imagination. In his Idea, Carl Jung explored the concept of tapping the unconscious with the reality, acknowledging, listening, and conversing with the various personalities within one’s soul. The idea is to explore the multiplicity of one’s soul within the limitations of the physical form, bridging the physical and the metaphysical aspect of existence.
Why am I fixated in the idea of the purpose in life you may ask? Simple, because of the phenomenon of death and what comes after that. From the macro perspective of focusing on oneself, shifting towards the vast unexplained mysteries surrounding our existence. HP Lovecraft exemplified the idea of the unknown, the blackness and the void. In the philosophy of Cosmicism humans are insignificant within the macro lenses of the cosmic realm. Following this idea, everything that deals with individuality, the self, and the notion of purpose of existence are reduced to merely trivial ideals. “Mortal-Temporal-Corporeal” attempts to capture the vagueness of one’s existence, representing images of the void and the depths of darkness that has yet to be explained. The exhibition does not aim to shed light on the unknown but present it as a continuous dialogue in search of the connection of everything with our existence.
Gallery hours
11am to 6pm
Closed Sundays, Mondays and holidays