ID Repressed
Solo exhibition by
Roberto Sanchez
Over the years, experts tried to analyze the various structures that manifest in the human psyche. Within these theories were suggestions of various systems to make sense of the way we exist, part of which is the inquiry of individualism and existentialism and how we develop as humans adapting the consequences within the society we live in. One of the principal ideas of “Id-Repressed” took influence from the Freudian psychoanalytic theory focusing on the Id, a part of the system within the human psyche of instinct that is believed to be a primitive behavior. Id serves as the main foundation for our soul from the moment we are born. Through the other systems, the Ego and Superego, the tendencies of the Id were almost always in check, repressed if you may say.

Blobs of shapes that often contorts based on the surface it is projected to. Its main existence is brought to life by the absence of the visible spectrum; light. As light’s radiance garners positive associations, shadows on the other hand are analogous with darkness and evil that should be contained, yet again, repressed if you may say.
Rob Sanchez’s “Id Repressed” explores the notions behind human systems specifically the psyche’s innate instinctive behaviors through his painted photo-manipulated pieces that exemplify shadows as representations. Through these portrayals, Sanchez renders this amorphous phenomenon as an anthropomorphic entity that rejects norms of the physical reality, a visual manifestation of the Id, that is always in check, contained and controlled, repressed if you may say.



Gallery hours
11am to 6pm
Closed Sundays, Mondays and holidays