featuring Joseph Gandiongco
As we continue to live, we are constantly reminded of how we, as humans, and the things we do are merely absurd. At a particular time, we live, cope, and never question. We cycle through our day-to-day lives mindlessly. A seemingly unbreakable cycle, a monotonous routine. As such is the truth to humanity and living in the natural world.
But a moment comes where the cycle breaks. And you are faced with a certain void that is the question, “What is the point of it all?”.
The show’s title “Q” metaphorically describes the monotonous cycle and the trigger occurring for a man that makes him question his own purpose.

Finding himself in a cycle of uneventful, monotonous circumstances, the artist reflects on his developing nihilism, the absurdity of living, and its relationship
with his creative process. Combining his graphic design and fine art influences, Gandiongco creates still barren landscapes occupied by separate elements and images to represent an idea or a feeling. Objects are visually separated but relate to each other to form a narrative. A narrative of indifference, melancholy, and acceptance. Each work explores his reactions and reflections during the fragile moments of existential query.
The viewer is invited to step back and look at the bigger picture. There may or may not be a meaning, a purpose, or a reason. The elements in their entirety combined with looking through each piece of work gives the sense of the struggles of overcoming the absurd, realizations and choices we make, yet being hopeful. Fragile as humans – we live to overcome, strive and grow. As such is still the truth for humanity and living in the natural world. – Lorraine Viliran



Gallery hours
11am to 6pm
Closed Sundays, Mondays and holidays